ILO Certification

The Sonda SID SDK successfully passed the International Labour Organization certification for compliance with the following ILO standards:
- ILO-SID-0002 – Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003 (No. 185) and the ILO-SID-0002, ISBIT-3 biometric standard.
- ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC37 – N 340, Biometrics – Biometric Data Interchange Formats – Part 2: Finger Minutiae Data, October 2003.
In other words, these standards are to ensure the strict control for maritime shipping in accordance with new security requirements.
In March 2004 under Convention No. 185 the Labour Governing Body approved the use of biometric identification systems in the maritime shipping. Thereafter the identity of seafarers of the new type can have integrated biometric templates. Wherein the two fingerprints to be transformed into an international bar code (2-D barcode) and included into the seafarer’s ID card.
Thus, all countries that ratified Convention No. 185 will be able to issue the new seafarers’ identity cards which meet the requirements of the International Labour Organization standards.